Lexington Drug Paraphernalia Attorney
Were you recently arrested on drug paraphernalia charges in Lexington, Kentucky? Don’t make the mistake of taking the charges lightly – the stakes are high. At Oakley & Oakley, LLC, I can start building your strong legal defense today.
My name is Jay Oakley, and I have been fighting to help clients beat criminal charges for years. I know the legal system here in Kentucky and have a track record of successfully helping clients get their charges dropped or even dismissed.
Time is of the essence. Call my law offices in Lexington today to schedule a free consultation.
How I Can Help If You Were Arrested For Drug Paraphernalia In Lexington
Every person accused of a crime in Kentucky deserves the strongest legal defense possible. Police officers and prosecutors in Kentucky can be overzealous when it comes to prosecuting drug crimes. If you were found in possession of certain drug paraphernalia, you might be surprised at how quickly the situation can escalate.
You’ll need a seasoned Lexington criminal defense lawyer in your corner to protect your best interests. At Oakley & Oakley, LLC, I have nearly 20 years of experience handling cases like yours. I know how state prosecutors think. More importantly, I know how to fight to have your charges dismissed or reduced.
When you hire me, you’ll benefit from an attorney who will:
- Investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest
- Identify any legitimate use for the alleged drug paraphernalia
- Analyze the situation to determine whether you were subject to an illegal search or seizure
- Determine whether your Miranda rights were respected
- Move to have all illegally obtained evidence and statements thrown out
I can also help you evaluate whether a plea bargain is fair under the circumstances, and I’ll negotiate to get the best deal possible in your case.
Don’t let a simple mistake leave you with a lasting criminal record. If you’re facing drug paraphernalia charges, call my firm today for a free consultation.
Overview Of Drug Paraphernalia Laws In Kentucky
Possession and distribution of illegal drugs are prohibited in Kentucky. That’s no surprise to people here in Lexington. However, you don’t always have to have a drug in your possession to be charged with a drug offense. You can also get into trouble for possession of certain items related to growing, packaging or using drugs.
Kentucky law defines “drug paraphernalia” broadly. Kentucky Revised Statutes Section 218A.500 provides a long list of items that can be classified as drug paraphernalia.
In reality, it’s often up to local law enforcement officers to determine whether an item should be treated as drug paraphernalia in the eyes of the law. Often, police have bad judgment when it comes to deeming something paraphernalia. That means that you might find yourself in legal trouble even if you have no intention of participating in drug-related activity.
At Oakley & Oakley, LLC, I have over 15 years of experience fighting for clients accused of drug crimes in Lexington. I have the skills and resources to handle even the most complex drug crime charges. If you’ve been accused of a crime involving drug paraphernalia, don’t hesitate to call me for a free case review today.
Have a Question?
How to Know if You Hired a Good or Bad Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are accused of a crime or you are under investigation for a crime, you have the right to legal counsel. It does not matter whether you face drug crime charges, DUI charges, or weapons charges. The United States Constitution guarantees you the right to consult with a criminal defense lawyer. Never give up or waive your right to counsel when facing criminal charges in Kentucky. Always exercise your right to consult with a lawyer before answering questions or giving the police a statement.
What is a Criminal Defense Attorney and When do You Need One?
A criminal defense attorney represents individuals who are under investigation for criminal activity. They represent clients who might be witnesses in a criminal case. They also represent individuals charged with crimes.
If you or a family member has been arrested or is dealing with a criminal law matter, it is wise to consult a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
What is Probable Cause?
Probable cause is a legal term that is often misunderstood. Law enforcement must have probable cause to believe you committed a crime before they search or arrest someone.
Probable cause is a particular and reasonable belief that an individual is:
- committing a crime,
- has committed a crime or
- is about to commit a crime.

What Is Considered ‘Paraphernalia’ Under Kentucky Law?
Kentucky state law lists a number of items that can be treated as paraphernalia, ranging from basic household items to growing kits and scientific equipment.
You might face criminal charges in Kentucky if you’re found in possession of:
- Kits used for growing marijuana or any plant from which a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) can be derived
- Kits used to manufacture, produce or prepare a controlled substance
- Testing equipment used to analyze the strength or purity of a controlled substance
- Scales and balances
- Diluents and adulterants commonly used in cutting or diluting controlled substances
- Separation gins and sifters used to separate twigs and seeds from marijuana
- Blenders, bowls, spoons and other items used in compounding controlled substances
- Balloons and capsules
- Pipes used for smoking
- Bongs and water pipes
- Needles and syringes
Possession of drug paraphernalia is typically a Class A misdemeanor in Kentucky. However, drug paraphernalia charges are usually combined with other drug charges.
You might face drug paraphernalia charges on top of other drug offenses, including intent to sell, drug possession or drug trafficking charges. Possession of paraphernalia alone can increase the penalties you’ll otherwise face under Kentucky drug laws.