Lexington Theft Crimes Lawyer
Are you facing criminal theft charges in Lexington, Kentucky? It’s important to fight to prevent your criminal charge from becoming a conviction. My name is Jay Oakley. Contact my firm, Oakley & Oakley, LLC, today at for a free case evaluation and start your legal battle with the best help.
How I Can Help You Fight Theft Charges
Enlisting my services at Oakley & Oakley, LLC, is one of the best ways to protect your future when facing theft charges in the state of Kentucky. Here is how I will assist you with your case:
- Protect your rights as a resident or citizen of the United States
- Help you understand how the Kentucky judicial system operates
- Answer any questions you might have about the legal process
- Fight tirelessly on your behalf to secure a reasonable bond
- File documents with the court on your behalf
- Devise an effective defense strategy against your theft charges
- Offer you sound legal advice and guidance throughout your case
- Launch an independent investigation into the state’s allegations
- Search for evidence that may help your case
- Consult with relevant experts about the nuances of your case
- Negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecuting attorney
- Present evidence and argue on your behalf in court, if required
Are you ready for me to help you fight back against your theft crime charges? If so, please give my firm a call today to arrange a consultation with me. I have been handling criminal cases like yours for years, and I am ready to stand up for you.
Types Of Theft Crimes In The State Of Kentucky
The state of Kentucky has a range of laws on its books that forbid people from taking the property of another individual. Below are some of those statutes.
Theft By Unlawful Taking
Section 514.030 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that it is illegal for a person to:
- Take or exert control over another individual’s movable property with the intent to deprive them of its use
- Obtain another individual’s immovable property
Individuals who violate this statute are guilty of theft by unlawful taking. Under Kentucky law, this offense is a Class A misdemeanor. However, the state may upgrade it to a Class D felony if:
- The property is a firearm.
- The property is anhydrous ammonia.
- The property is a controlled substance worth less than $10,000.
- The property is worth between $500 and $10,000.
Kentucky courts can bump criminal offenses of this nature up to a Class C felony if the value of the property is between $10,000 and $1 million. If the stolen property is worth more than $1 million, this crime is a Class B felony.
Theft By Deception
Section 514.040 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that it is illegal for a person to obtain the property of another individual using deception. Under Kentucky law, a person commits an act of deception when they:
- Create or reinforce a false impression of the value of an item
- Prevent someone from accessing information that may impact their handling of a transaction
- Fail to correct a false impression when they are a fiduciary
- Fail to disclose a known lien or adverse claim on a property
- Issue or pass a check that they know their bank will not honor
If law enforcement officers catch someone violating this statute, they can arrest them for theft by deception. Kentucky classifies this offense as a Class A misdemeanor, though courts may choose to enhance it to a Class D or Class C felony if the property is valuable.
Have a Question?
How to Know if You Hired a Good or Bad Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are accused of a crime or you are under investigation for a crime, you have the right to legal counsel. It does not matter whether you face drug crime charges, DUI charges, or weapons charges. The United States Constitution guarantees you the right to consult with a criminal defense lawyer. Never give up or waive your right to counsel when facing criminal charges in Kentucky. Always exercise your right to consult with a lawyer before answering questions or giving the police a statement.
Do I Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer if I Shoot Someone Who Breaks Into My House?
If someone breaks into your home, the use of deadly force could be justifiable under Kentucky’s self-defense laws and the Castle Doctrine. However, there are exceptions in which the use of deadly force could result in an arrest for assault, homicide, or manslaughter.
It is wise to understand your legal rights to avoid a weapons charge or murder charge, especially if you own a gun to protect yourself and your family from intruders.
What is Probable Cause?
Probable cause is a legal term that is often misunderstood. Law enforcement must have probable cause to believe you committed a crime before they search or arrest someone.
Probable cause is a particular and reasonable belief that an individual is:
- committing a crime,
- has committed a crime or
- is about to commit a crime.

Theft Of Lost Property
Section 514.050 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that it is illegal for a person to:
- Come into control of another person’s property that they know has been lost, mislaid or delivered to the wrong address
- Fail to take reasonable measures to return the property to its owner
Kentuckians who violate this law are guilty of the theft of lost property. Prosecutors almost always classify this crime as a Class A misdemeanor. However, they may opt to upgrade it to a Class D or Class C felony if the property is worth more than $500.
Theft Of Services
Section 514.060 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that it is illegal for a person to obtain services by intentionally using threats or deception. This statute also states that it is unlawful for a person to obtain a wireless communications service using any of the following means:
- Unauthorized interception of an electronic serial number
- Unauthorized interception of a personal identification number
- Unauthorized interception of any cellular service
- Unauthorized interception of any telephone service
- Use of threats or deception
Section 514.060 concludes by saying that a person may not have access to the services of another individual to which they are not entitled. People who violate this Kentucky law are guilty of theft of services. Under Kentucky law, this crime is a Class A misdemeanor. However, state prosecutors have the ability to upgrade it to a Class D or Class C felony if the value of the service exceeds $500.
Theft By Extortion
Section 514.080 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that it is illegal for a person to obtain another individual’s property by threatening to:
- Inflict bodily injury on someone
- Commit a criminal offense
- Accuse someone of a criminal offense
- Expose a secret that may subject someone to hatred or ridicule
- Use their position as a public official to affect someone adversely
- Bring about or continue a strike or boycott
- Testify or withhold testimony in someone’s legal case
If Kentucky police officers catch someone violating this statute, they have the authority to charge them with theft by extortion. Courts in the state of Kentucky almost always punish this crime as a Class A misdemeanor. However, prosecutors can decide to upgrade it to a Class D or Class C felony if the stolen property is valuable.
Were you charged with one of these criminal offenses in Lexington? If so, please reach out to me as soon as possible. I might be able to use my legal knowledge to help you get your charge dismissed or reduced.